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Autism Therapists Near Me: How to Navigate Your Search

Person sitting on a couch smiling on the phone, representing a person on a phone consultation with an autism therapist.

By NeuroSpark Health

When I look up “autism therapists near me,” I’m not at all impressed with the results. I’ve done it before to try to find a therapist and for the purpose of this very blog, I tried again and let out a deep sigh of disappointment once again. What ends up coming up for me are a bunch of sponsored ABA places for pages. Very deep down into the page do I find NDtherapists and make a wish that people who are looking for autism-affirming psychotherapy can locate this resource in a sea of many ABA resources.  This blog is written for the purpose of all the autistic adults like myself who just want to find a therapist that “gets it.” If you’re here, welcome to this guide to finding the best autism therapists near you and walk you through the process of finding therapists who specialize in autism (and ideally, are autistic themselves!). If you’re an adult seeking support, there are some tips that may help you navigate this important decision.

Finding the right therapist for autistic adults can be overwhelming, with many factors to consider such as expertise, location, and cost. It's important to find therapists who not only possess the necessary qualifications, but also have meaningful experience working with autistic individuals. Some therapists who may not specialize in autism at all, my report to you that they have worked with some autistic adults in their careers and are now purporting to be an expert. First tip: be wary of providers who seem to list 50 different specialties on their profiles as it is likely that autism and neurodivergence is probably an afterthought among them.  

What is autism therapy?

When we refer to autism therapy, we are referring to autism-affirming psychotherapy, not ABA. “Autism therapy” is suited for autistic people and aims to support the commonly co-occuring mental health concerns that autistic people live with, not change or “cure” their autism as it is a neurological difference. It is not something to be fixed. 

Benefits of autism affirming therapy

Autism therapy can have a profound impact on the lives of autistic individuals who require mental health support. It can help an individual address co-occuring anxiety, depression, and other mental health diagnosis in a way that is tailored to their neurotype. It respects a person’s strengths, needs, differences, and their wellness goals as they define them. It does not aim to teach neurotypical ways of being, but rather help the autistic person cope with life’s challenges as an autistic person. It can also help with helping the autistic person with self-regulation, managing emotions, building self-esteem, expressing themselves, navigating relationships, building independence, and more.

These are just a few examples of the many benefits that autism affirming therapy can provide. Each autistic person is unique, and therapy can be tailored to address their specific needs and goals. Now that we understand the benefits of autism affirming therapy, let's delve into the process of finding the right autism therapist near you. Currently, NeuroSpark offers therapy in New York, New Jersey, Vermont, South Carolina, Florida, and Arizona. 

Finding the right autism therapist near you

Finding the right autism therapist near you can be tricky and frustrating.  Here are some tips to help you find the best autism therapists near you:

  1. Seek Recommendations: Start by seeking recommendations from trusted sources, such as your friends, other autistic people, or other providers. These individuals can provide valuable insights and recommendations based on their own experiences.

  1. Research Online: Conduct online research to identify autism therapy providers in your area. Many therapists have websites that provide information about their services, expertise, and approach. Take the time to read through their websites and gather information about their qualifications and experience. You can learn more about our therapists on our Meet The Team page.

  1. Contact Local Autism Organizations: Reach out to local autism organizations or support groups in your area. These organizations often have resources and can provide recommendations for qualified autism therapists near you. 

Once you have identified potential autism therapy providers, it's important to evaluate their qualifications and experience to ensure they are well-suited to work with autistic individuals. 

Researching autism therapy providers

When researching local autism therapy providers, there are several factors to consider. Here are some key aspects to evaluate:

  1. Qualifications and Credentials: Look for therapists who have the necessary qualifications and credentials to provide therapy, and any additional specializations/training in autism specifically. This may include advanced degrees in psychology, counseling, or related fields, as well as certifications or licenses specific to autism. If you notice a more ABA/behavioral background, ask them about that.

  1. Experience with Autism: It is essential to find therapists who have experience working with autistic individuals. Ask about their previous experience, the number of clients they have worked with, and their familiarity with evidence-based therapy approaches for autism.

  1. Client Testimonials and Reviews: Check for client testimonials or reviews on the therapist's website or other online platforms. Reading about other individuals' experiences can provide valuable insights into the therapist's effectiveness and approach.

  2. Experience with Different Age Groups: Autism therapy can be helpful for individuals of all ages. If you are an adult seeking therapy, ask about their experience working with autistic adults at various stages of life.

  3. Professional Memberships and Affiliations: Check if the therapist is a member of professional organizations or has affiliations with reputable/trusted autism-related associations. This can indicate their commitment to staying updated on the latest research and best practices.

  4. Specializations and Areas of Expertise: Even if the therapists are qualified, they may have specialized knowledge or expertise in a specific areas related to autism. For example, a therapist may specialize in working with women, or queer/trans autistic individuals, or maybe they specialize in AuDHD, etc. Consider whether the therapist's expertise aligns with your specific needs.

By thoroughly evaluating the qualifications and experience of potential therapists, you can make an informed decision and choose a therapist who is well-equipped to meet your needs.

Considering the cost and insurance coverage for autism therapy

When considering autism therapy, it is important to factor in the cost and insurance coverage. Here are some considerations:

  1. Cost of Therapy: Autism affirming therapy can be a significant financial investment. The cost will vary depending on factors such as the type of therapy, the frequency and duration of sessions, and the therapist's rates. Inquire about the therapist's fees and payment options to ensure it aligns with your budget.

Many autistic therapists in this space choose not to take insurance to eliminate insurance-related barriers for the client and for themselves. Balancing the cost is important to ensure that you can access the necessary therapy without undue financial burden. It may be helpful to speak with the therapist or their office manager directly to discuss any financial concerns or explore possible solutions. While we do not take insurance, we reserve a few sliding scale spots for individuals who can’t afford the full rate.

Making an informed decision and starting therapy

After conducting thorough research about autism therapists near you, evaluating qualifications, and considering the cost, you can make an informed decision and choose the best provider for yourself. Here are some steps to take:

  1. Schedule an Initial Consultation: Contact the chosen autism therapist and schedule an initial consultation. This will provide an opportunity to meet the therapist, discuss your concerns and goals, and ask any additional questions you may have. We are happy to offer free 15-minute consultations for all clients via phone or video. Call us or book a video consultation directly on our calendar.

  1. Share Relevant Information: During the initial consultation, provide the therapist with relevant information and what is important to you. This will help the therapist gain a better understanding of the individual's needs and identify whether you are a good fit.

  1. Discuss Goals: Engage in an open and honest discussion with the therapist about your goals for therapy and what you would like to work on. Ensure that the therapist's approach aligns with your expectations.

  1. Establish a Schedule: Determine the frequency and duration of therapy sessions and establish a schedule that works for both you and the therapist. Consistency and regular attendance are essential for achieving optimal results in autism therapy.

Starting autism affirming therapy can be an exciting yet challenging journey. Remember to be patient and understanding, as progress may take time. With the right therapist, support, and dedication, autistic individuals can make significant strides in their development and overall well-being.

Next steps

Finding the best autism therapists near you requires careful research, vetting, and consideration of various factors. By understanding the different types of therapy available, evaluating qualifications and experience, and considering therapy approaches and techniques, you can make an informed decision and choose the right autism therapist for you.

Be proactive in your search, seek recommendations, and utilize the resources available in the community. With the guidance of a qualified autism therapist, autistic adults can thrive, overcome challenges, and grow to their potential. Take the first step today and begin your journey towards finding the best autism therapist near you. We’re happy to work with you.